Iridescent Waterfall

Hand woven wool tapestry
60 inches H X 63 W

Collection of the artist

Catégorie :


« Iridescent Waterfall » is a Hand woven wool tapestry
60 inches H X 63 W (12.5 sq. ft)


Photo of Paulette with tapestry in progress.

This shows the cotton threads, called the « warp »,

being covered with thick wool called the « weft ».

This is a vertical « Gobelins » style tapestry loom.
Paulette-Marie Sauve Tapestry-tapisserie

Photo of Paulette weaving on vertical tapestry loom.

The painting on the wall behind the loom is

called a « maquette » – it is the design being woven.

The shapes are drawn in ink onto the cotton « warp ».

This helps the weaver to follow the shapes in the painting.
Paulette-Marie Sauve-tisse tapisserie

Cat.#32233 – For information please contact the artist :